External Affairs Committee

Operational, Compliance, Efficiency

The Internal Affairs Committee (IAC) is responsible for managing all internal and operational matters within the organization. This committee oversees various areas, including Finance, Human Resources, and Facilities. It is comprised of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Director of Human Resources. In cases where these positions are not present, the Executive Director assumes their responsibilities within the committee.

This committee isn’t solely responsible for raising money, but it leads the board’s fundraising effort. The committee works with other members to establish a fundraising plan. This plan may include annual events, auctions, end-of-the-year requests, and other activities. The fundraising committee works with members on their fundraising efforts and sometimes takes the lead in specific activities. The committee also ensures the proper acknowledgment of donors and keeps donor solicitation expenses in line with profits/benefits.

This committee is also responsible for reviewing the SLinT’s budget. The committee also works with the Financial Director to produce accurate financial reports. This committee reviews and reports any budgetary concerns or opportunities. This committee establishes reserve funds, lines of credit, and short-term investments.

They are responsible for selecting and working with the auditor on the organization’s annual audit. Sometimes this work is a subset of the Director of Finance. The audit is SLinT’s only external review, making it an extremely important governance tool.

Is the Internal Affairs a Good Fit for Me?


Cross-Departmental Exposure

Joining the Internal Affairs committee offers the opportunity to work with others internally, such as the Director of Finance, Director of Member Services, and the TechTeam Lead. This cross-departmental experience allows individuals to develop a holistic understanding of the organization’s operations and contribute to enhancing efficiency and collaboration across different functions.


Impact on Internal Processes

Being part of the Internal Affairs committee provides a chance to impact internal processes and policies directly. By actively participating in discussions and decision-making, individuals can improve operational procedures, implement best practices, and ensure compliance with regulations and organizational standards.


Professional Development

Serving on the Internal Affairs committee offers valuable opportunities for professional development. It allows individuals to enhance their skills in financial management, HR practices, and facilities operations. Additionally, working closely with colleagues from different departments fosters cross-functional collaboration and expands one’s professional network.

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